Sadu Peak

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Смотреть что такое "Sadu Peak" в других словарях:

  • Башни Транго — Местоположнение: Балторо Музтаг, Балтистан, Пакистан Координаты: 35°46′N, 76°11′E Башни Транго (Trango Towers) впечатляющие скальные шпили, которые находятся на северной оконечности …   Энциклопедия туриста

  • Gilgamesh flood myth — The Gilgamesh flood myth is a deluge story in the Epic of Gilgamesh . It was added as Tablet XI to the ten original tablets of the Gilgamesh Epic by an editor who copied or altered parts of the flood story from the Epic of Atrahasis. [ Tigay… …   Wikipedia

  • Cindrel Mountains — (also known as Cândrel Mountains, Cibin Mountains, or the Szeben Alps) are a group of mountains in central Romania in the centre of the Southern Carpathians, in the North East of the Parâng Mountains group. From the Transylvanian Plateau, with… …   Wikipedia

  • Manipur — মণিপুর   State   Seal …   Wikipedia

  • Goribor — Željko Ljubić Pity (left) and Aleksandar Stojković St (right) performing with Goribor in 2010 Background information Also known as Projekat …   Wikipedia

  • Sibiu County — Sibiu   County    Coat of arms …   Wikipedia

  • Kuwait — /koo wayt /, n. 1. a sovereign monarchy in NE Arabia, on the NW coast of the Persian Gulf: formerly a British protectorate. 2,076,805; ab. 8000 sq. mi. (20,720 sq. km). 2. a seaport in and the capital of this monarchy. 800,000. Also, Koweit. * *… …   Universalium

  • Racoviţa, Sibiu — Racoviţa   Commune   …   Wikipedia

  • Belgrade — For other uses, see Belgrade (disambiguation). Belgrade Београд Beograd   City   …   Wikipedia

  • Sibiu —   City   …   Wikipedia

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